My site has 102 links-in, but more than half of them are scrappers to Alexa or those domain listing directory I hate. This only proves that most of websites are garbage once again.
I really wish people would visit my sites from home and not mostly via search engine. I don't want my site to be technical mainly, but that's what it is, at least for now. Someday, my site would be read by everyone, that's the goal.
Anyway, it's still fun to read some statistics. I found the demographics data is amusing. To put in words, Alexa concludes as:
Relative to the overall population of internet users, Yjl.im's users are disproportionately male, and they are disproportionately childless people under the age of 35 who browse from work and have postgraduate educations.
It seems young, male, and highly educated adults are my primary readers. No children do not mean much to me, I am also curious about the marital status, but it's not included. It it was no children, single, and never married, would that mean nerds?
Visitors from India are top 1 readers, then from United States. Interestingly, Tunisia is on the top 5, not sure why so.
As I said, Alexa doesn't show the full picture, it's not accurate. If I am correct, it relies on its toolbar web browser plugin. According to Google Analytics, within similar 3-month range, United State is the top source, India only ranks 4th and Tunisia isn't in top 10. Too bad, demographics in Google Analytics, only location is helpful.
As you can see, that's a huge difference, Alexa is never close to reality. Unfortunately, some still refer to its statistics. Its data is gathered by limited method. Even worse, it encourages you to put some code to your website in order to get better ranking, the data would be unfairly distorted.
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