I know this is very late but I had forgotten when (2012-05-31T17:21:56Z) I added a note after reading Expanding the Internet domain space about gTLD (generic top-level domain) .LOL.

Doubtful to me, because I didn’t believe Google would want that. Actually, I don’t believe anyone can even do anything about .LOL TLD except just for fun. However, not only Google wants that, there was another applicant for the same domain. After all, Google is serious about it.


But, really, Google? 24 (Q24_GSRS Performance and Scaling.xls), XLS, OMG! Wait, where is dat .OMG gTLD?

Anyway, if you look at the list1, there are some funny or interesting applications, some about religious, sex stuff, sexual orientation, strange such as .GOO or .BOO, food, full names of countries, and mostly the company names.

I don’t know how gTLD will be maintained. But if they mostly will open for registration, I felt it would be like the .INFO again for those application other than names. A ton load of crappy and/or malicious would show up again. A year or two, people would figure out that the old time favorite .COM is still the best, even it’s a mess.

Hopefully, we will have Google entertains us with lots of LOL.

[1]http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/program-status/application-results/strings-1200utc-13jun12-en is gone.