A few days ago, I contacted the original package author and package owner on PyPI, because I want to add Python 3. Funny thing is the module actually didn’t need any porting. The only line needed to be ported was not the actual module code.

Four years after previous v1.6.0.3 or six years after v1.5_1.6. The PyPI package didn’t have any code changes besides version bumps for packaging.

Now, I am the manager of smartypants.py, took over the project from them.

The latest v1.7.0 is just released. I did refactor the code a bit, added doctest, tests, and a command-line script. Other than those, smartypants.py is still what it was.

The original goal was set to be a Python port of SmartyPants. At this moment, it still has same goal. But I think if any new features can make smartypants smarter as long as they are for typography, I would be happy to see.

Nonetheless, I am probably not the one to think of new stuff since I know nothing about typography. My role in smartypants.py is a maintainer, fixing things or accepting pull requests.

I don’t think there would be many updates, the Perl one hasn’t updated since 2004. But who knows, anything could happen.