Two years ago, I posted a screenshot of Blogger Stats about .ua (Ukraine) ccTLD is likely free, because at that period of time, .ua spam referrers show up a lot. Still until today, they pop up once a while.

The last few days, there is significant amount of spam referrers of .ru (Russia) ccTLD.





Another ccTLD, another spamming source, these spam referrers never know how to stop spamming and Blogger also never know how to stop spamming. Well, I guess none of Blogger’s employees uses Blogger or have low traffic blogs. They must be either using other blogging service or all have very popular blogs, therefore they don’t know referrer spamming is really common.

You can see them carefully controlling the number of spamming from each domain name, 4 or 5 at most. Maybe Blogger did have an internal monitoring system in place? Although I really doubt that Blogger did take action on spammers, because I see them almost everyday, sometimes a new trick would pop up, mostly the good ol’ brute-force spamming way.

Don’t really know why I still bother reading Blogger Stats.