Sometimes, I searched words for what I thought or more like complaints. Don’t mean to find anything, just try to let something out of my mind, a way to express my feeling to mindless robot if you will.

So, it’s freakingly cold and I did this:

16°C1 actually is quite high in the last few days, lowest probably was 12°C. I was telling the search engine “so cold,” but it gave me lyrics results of a song, so I added “weather” and that’s when I noticed that I wasn’t the only one talking to search engine.

Of course, I had a good laugh at that

weather y u so cold

Wished it would warm me up, but it didn’t. Luckily, tomorrow, it would be a clear sunny day, although I don’t think the Sun would really help warm up, but better than nothing.

Bet some people confess to search engines and I’d love to read their confessions.

[1]Or 60.8°F, just a note for you guys who don’t know how to convert, which I don’t, just Google “16C in F” and you will have the answer.