There is a snack called “fried broad beans” that I like very much. Salty, crunchy, and crispy. I don’t have broad beans or any bean at that size, but I do have soybeans, so I searched online and found some recipes. After soaking the soybeans for twenty hours, I have this testing batch:

I must say the taste and texture are different than I’ve expected, even more delicate and flavorful. I didn’t fry at very high temperature, nor fry the beans to crunchy. There are still some softness bites in them, oddly enough I love the texture.

Here are the steps:

  1. Soaking soybeans in boiling water for 8 to 24 hours, mine took 20 hours.

    I think normal tap water at room temperature is fine, I just followed the recipe I found for broad beans.

  2. Draining and patting dry with paper towel.

    Be gentle with beans, because you don’t want the beans come out of their skins/shells and split into halves. The thin skins of soybean, after fried, they are delicious and super crispy.

  3. Frying them to your liking.

    Remember, fried food tenders to get harder once cools down. I found these soybeans actually firmed up when they got colder.

  4. Sprinkle with salt and or any seasoning you prefer.

    I’d prefer not to add any seasoning, but taste the original flavor of soybean, which are already flavorful. Never really taste those from soybean.

I am soaking a bigger batch for tomorrow. I would probably fry them at higher temperature and make them really crunchy, but I know I’d not sprinkle with salt next time. I only tried adding salt for testing the taste in this batch.

Interestingly, I never really taste soybean before except from soy milk, and I just tasted from fried snack made out of soybeans. Almost the same story why I like having fried potato without any seasoning and salt.