This is kind of East meets West at middle of road.

The sauce was a bit of sweet and sour from the tomato sauce, the rice cake was chewy, quite a good combination and really surprised me. Didn’t think they can go together. The broccoli still had its green color and bite, I intentionally didn’t cook it to death, although re-heating would eventually kill the colors.

I didn’t know if the rice cake can hold its shape when I eat it for second meal and third and fourth, but it turned out rice cake could stay in its shape quite well. I really cooked too much at once.

1   Recipe

1.1   Ingredients
  • Rice cake, mine were oval shape
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mushroom, sliced
  • Carrot, sliced
  • Potato, sliced
  • Lemon, grated and juiced
  • Onion, cut into pieces
  • Garlic, minced
  • Broccoli, broken into florets

1.2   Directions

  1. Sauté onion and garlic with oil, season with salt and black pepper

  2. Once onion and garlic are done, add in everything except rice cake and broccoli
  1. Add in broccoli and cook for another minute
  2. Add in rice cake and cook according to the package instruction, mine takes two minutes
  3. Serve up