Meyrin is a re-implementation of IBM 3270 terminal font and you can see a live preview below via CSS @font-face with its TrueType format (ttf):


Or this image:

There seems to be more history, which you can read on Hacker News, according to sdkmvx:

For those who don’t know (apparently including the authors), this is the standard 3270/IBM terminal font. […]

If you read Meyrin: CERN Terminal Font, it says:

As part of that process, Mark Boulton and myself teamed-up to attempt to recreate the original font used on the terminal screen. This would give the look and feel of the simulator even more of that green glowing cathode-ray tube warmth.

[emphasis mine]

So apparently, recreation was the whole point when they started this project in mid-September, 2013. I have never seen this font before, since it’s long before I came to this world. From the look of it, it really is an interesting font.

The font’s source are SVG format.