seoul256.vim (GitHub) is a very bright and low-contrast scheme for Vim based on Seoul Colors, here is a couple of screenshot from the README:

Seoul 256, dark version

Seoul 256, light version

You can set g:seoul256_background to other background colors, from 233 to 239 for dark background; and 252 to 256 for light background.

This color scheme works for both GUI and terminal Vim, it’s made by Junegunn Choi under the MIT License, currently post version 1.3.0 (2014-01-11).

Its ASCII art:

"  _____             _ ___ ___ ___      "
" |   __|___ ___ _ _| |_  |  _|  _|     "
" |__   | -_| . | | | |  _|_  | . |     "
" |_____|___|___|___|_|___|___|___|.vim "