I recently learned about the builtin function vars() and used it:

    vars([object]) -> dictionary

    Without arguments, equivalent to locals().
    With an argument, equivalent to object.__dict__.

It looks to me more just a shortcut, creating a reference:

>>> class C(): pass
>>> c = C()
>>> c.__dict__ is vars(c)

So, if you do something with one, you will see in another since they are the same:

>>> c.__dict__['foobar'] = True
>>> vars(c)['foobar']

If you need to do something, say converting to dict and process from there for passing to a function, you will need to, at least:

>>> d = vars(c).copy()
>>> d['new'] = True
>>> 'new' in c.__dict__

It’s not deep copy, so you might want to be careful with that, or use copy.