consine.c draws a 2D representation of two sine waves, one on X-axis, the other Y-axis:

float value = fabsf(sin(fx/5.0)+sin(fy/2.5));
value /= 2.0;

With a character ramp to render out a result as below:

I decided to play with it a bit:

float value = fabsf(sin(fx/2.5)+sin(fx/5.0)+sin(fy/2.5)+sin(fy/5.0));

I forgot to adjust the equalizer to 4.0, but still produced an interesting result.

You could even add a Z-axis for colors, also using sine function or whatever you fancy, slowly swinging in the range of Z, playing a colorful animation, but I will leave that to you to play with.

consine.c was written by flarn2006 on the Pi Day of 2013, under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license.