Most tweetable ASCII art 1-line converter in 140 bytes

maffiodo2 won the title “Most tweetable entry” in IOCCC 2014 (23rd), which certainly is the best title, you can’t find more suitable for it. Why? Because it only has 140 characters, if it isn’t a tweet, what could it be?


d=80 is the width of the ASCII, unfortunately, no setting for height. It reads a raw RGB image and a conversion ramp from command-line argument.

For example, using my Clip smile and the following ramp:

./prog ' .,:;!$#@' < cs.rgb

And I got this lengthy ASCII art, I don’t think the image aspect ratio is respected in generation:


If 140 characters are still too long for you, the author also provided a 121-character version, which uses a fixed ramp:

d=80,e,j;g(){j+=getchar();}main(){for(;;){j=0;g();if(j<0)break;g(g());putchar(" .:#@"[j/3*5>>8]);if(!(++e%d))puts("");}}

maffiodo2 is written in C11, 2014-10-29, by Sandro Maffiodo, who also has another entry as homage to classic games.