CLines is a Color Lines clone in console.

You use hjkl to move and Space to pick up chip and replace it somewhere else, or you can use mouse to click. The board resizes to fit into terminal size as best as it can, you can see in this video.

It’s a simple puzzle game to play, all you do is to line up at least five chips of the same color in a straight line, horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, one of them will do. But if you can’t form a line after each move, three more random chips will be placed.

When I first played, I thought you can only move a chip in a straight line, that is only go in one direction, didn’t realize as long as the path is clear, you can move a chip to anywhere. I hardly got past 40 points, it was hard. I almost nicknamed this game as Cussing Lines.

CLines was created in 2002 by Pawel S. Veselov, written in C with ncurses under the GPLv2, currently git-410ae26 (2015-11-11, post v1.0.5 (2015-06-19)).