Dr. Mario or BUGS is a clone of Nentendo’s Dr. Mario, well sort of.

You fix bugs instead of eradicating deadly viruses. From red, yellow, and blue viruses to A, L, and S bugs, but you are still a Dr., just not a physician one.
The controls are hjkl to use in options to change level and speed, or in game for moving the piece around. as to rotate the piece. p to pause or resume the game.
This clone was made in 1991 by SRN, according to the comment, released under the name “BUGS” or “BUGS I” as version 1.3, then in 1992, Scott Noecker and Ken Corey released under “Dr. Mario” and for Linux.
Dr. Mario was born on 1991-07-10 and has been placed in public domain, is written in K&R C, currently hg-0541a33a647e (2015-11-14, post 1992-06-15).
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