1   Blah blah blah…

This whole thing is ridiculous! First, I don’t have any solid knowledge of Java, but I think the problem is JDIC1. It doesn’t support GTK well, I suppose. Just my guess.

Anyway, the result is much better. I didn’t dare to run Woopra at maximized window before, I could only open it with small window due to the speed. Now it runs just like a normal application. Notification alert sound also work and won’t cause interruption. Notification window won’t create another window item in GNOME Window List.

I have tried to understand what cause the slowness. Beside OpenJDK, I also tried Sun’s JRE, same result. I replaced JDIC library came with Woopra with JDIC 0.9.5, same result.

So, I have no idea, what is the real cause. Some people say “Don’t blame Java running slow but the developers.” Who should we blame in this case?

And how could I tolerate for months?

2   Installing Sun JRE for Windows

Okay, I was not really using WINE directly, but I think you should have met no problem. If you are using CrossOver like me (I got a free copy two month ago), you can do:

  1. Download Sun JRE, I use 6u11 without any problem.
  2. Install it into new bottle as unsupported program.
  3. Download Woopra for Window.
  4. Install it into the same bottle as unsupported program.
  5. Run it and enjoy the speed!