Just after I posted about Firefox 4 new features, a popup notification showed up telling me about new update 4.0b5pre for my current version 4.0b5pre.

4.0b5pre -> 4.0b5pre?

I am using nightly build as I mentioned before. I clicked on that Restart Minefield button with doubt, I didn't believe it would work or really get an update.

It turned out, it's really an update, Gecko/20100826. I was stunned for few things.

First, I never thought auto-update would work on Linux since I always use distro's distribution of browsers. Distro always installs browsers in system directories. But I installed FF4 on my own, well, that's an overstatement, just unpacked it to ~/var/bin/firefox.

Second, even it could do auto-update, I didn't think that would also apply on nightly build, not to mention the official branding release (using Firefox not other Foobar name) don't have 64-bit build for Linux (maybe it has just I could find it). But it works smoothly for 64-bit nightly build.

I checked out the installed directory, all dates are now 5:15 8/27, it did update for sure. And this was taken from Update History:

Amazing... and I probably wouldn't want to install Firefox through Portage tree. In face, I have already unemerged it. Sooner, I would unemerged Chromium, too, after I felt it's safe to have Firefox only.

However, I think once FF4 hit Portage stable, I might emerge it again. I am still obsessed with the mythical compiler flags.