La FaRe La FaRe ReFaSol La FaRe? Any ideas of what it means?

Another hint: Can you save me?

Last hint: The Company.

It’s the song, Can You Save Me by Apple Trees & Tangerines, as theme song of the tv show, Covert Affairs. If you still don’t get it, check out this opening clip of Covert Affairs.

Got it?

The rhythm has stuck in my head for two days. I watched Cover Affairs from premiere, I did not really notice that theme song, but I suddenly hummed that part of song, not the vocal part.

You can download from their website, they posted a link1. (You will need to copy the text of that link, or you will be stopped from linking out from MySpace.)

The trailer of the show if you are interested.

This show is just a normal tv show, not too outstanding but definitely a good show to kill your free time.

I think the espionage in a tv show has some power to attract people to watch. Like Chuck, I watched it because it’s about spy and geek. But you have to realize that a tv show is just a show, they are far away from realistic world. (Futurama probably is one exception, I heard that created a mathematics theorem specially for the show. I never watched it, don’t like animation.)

Spy plus beautiful female and handsome male leading roles, definitely a must-see. Even that guy is set as a blind man in the show, but that even is a plus, because how you could imagine a blind guy work for CIA?

La FaRe La FaRe ReFaSol La FaRe

La FaRe La FaRe ReFaSol La FaRe