A while back, I posted about the Gentoo branding LibreOffice splash in version 3.4 and 3.5. After upgraded to stable 3.6 little more than a week ago, which was marked stable last month, I had been stalling updating it. When I saw the splash has been changed again, I wondered why they dropped that unique Gentoo purple background.

Since I have already posted two very short posts just for the sake of sharing splash images, why the heck not continue to do it? So this is what it looks like in 3.6:


To make this post more dedicated to Larry the Cow, let’s have a grand tour of the changes in splash images on Gentoo!


Gentoo Branding 0.31 ~ LibreOffice 3.3 / Gentoo Branding 0.42 ~ LibreOffice 3.4

I have to say this one is my favorite because of its simplicity, even though the icon and text don’t align for some reason. I like the purple background very much, quite sensational with the bright white text.


Gentoo Branding 0.5 ~ LibreOffice 3.5

This one is cute and adds a layer of cowersonality to a office suite which usually means boring works. If LibreOffice has office assistant like Clippy3, I wonder what would happen if Larry tries to help. Would he, moo~ moo~ MOO~?


Gentoo Branding 0.6 ~ LibreOffice 3.6

Hmm…, the color of Larry seems off, not matching the text “LibreOffice” at all. This seem to be official splash image with our Larry as an add-on. This one is kind of going back to plain and boring. Larry is hanging there, keeping the show running.


Gentoo Branding 0.7 ~ LibreOffice 4.0

I know, I know, this branding 0.7 is a disappointment. I would believe that it’s just for testing, not a real splash image since you need to unmask the 9999 version, not even a stable release.

Updated on 2013-10-28T02:53:08Z.


Gentoo Branding 0.8 ~ LibreOffice 4.1

LibreOffice ships with new Branding 0.8 (YouTube). Nicer colors and layout. I don’t like the shades around the corners, but I think that’s from the official LibreOffice’s splash image. Still, the entire splash is way better than previous one.