Just put it out bloodily, Blooger Stats is just an useless feature, especially Blogger already has built-in support for Google Analytics. It’s full of spams and this is what really has agonized me for long time when you see what WordPress.com does to deal with the issue:


WordPress.com groups the organic searches from same search engine.

I just saw this a few minutes ago and I fell I must share this screenshot. Look at what Blogger does, or does not do:


Same search engine referrers cramped in the same space.

Just look at it, the Stats report is virtually rendered useless. All you can get is there is a lot of traffic from the search engine and a few from Stack Overflow. But this definitely under-represent the whole picture.

I get spam referrers every single day for years, Blogger does nothing. Sometimes, I do believe none of Blogger’s employees use their own stuff for real.

Asking them as if I am talking to the air:

  • How can you not see spams? It’s impossible every employee run a popular blog.
  • How can you not get annoyed by this flawed presentation of data?

I strongly suggest that Blogger simply retires Stats, once and for all since they don’t seem to bother about. It saves storage, save processing power, make Earth happier a little.