Last time I made these were probably two years ago, I thought I might forget how to make them, but they still came out perfectly, just the way I remembered them.

I don’t have a recipe with the amounts of ingredients, I did remember how much I put in at the time, but I just couldn’t remember the amounts after so long. This time I have two packs of instant coffee (coffee + sugar + cream), cake flour, sugar, baking soda, and pinch of salt with some olive oil.

Mix with water until they looks like normal cake batter consistency, grease the baking dish, pour in, then send into a 160 °C oven for 25 to 35 minutes. I lowered the temperature to 140 after 25 minutes for last ten minutes.

It’s quite dense but still spongy, and oddly, they always tasted with a hint of chocolate, even there was no chocolate in them.

I am not sure if you can call this brownies, because it’s made out of chocolate and there is no eggs or butter, but I don’t have better name for these. They look brown, so brownies are.

Used to make more like cake, much taller, at least twice as high as seen in the photos above. It was more filling, these were not enough, gotta make them bigger next time.