I made some rice croquettes with leftover soybean snacks, which I hadn’t been able to nibble fast enough, so I decided to use them in croquettes. Thought about mashed potato, but rice is much easier and already had cooked rice.


Rice, the beans plus celery leaves and cilantro with coating flour. That’s all I used to make the rice croquettes. Some would then dip in beaten egg, then breadcrumb, or use egg to bind the ingredients.


Form the long cylinder shape and lightly coat with flour, then fry them. They did look good.


Frankly, it didn’t taste much since the ingredients were quite few and lack of any strong flavors. But the crispy rice from frying gives some nice taste, so it’s quite okay to me. The rice crusts were really crunchy and they held the interior very well, inside, they were still soft and tender to eat.