I haven’t uploaded photos for some days until just about an hour ago, I noticed the logo change and thought that’s a new logo since Flickr is undergoing some new design. But it’s not, only realized when I checked the new logo’s URL and saw the “vday” in the filename.

Heart Size x2
This Valentine’s Day logo is kind of cute but way too small, I didn’t realize it’s for Valentine’s Day. If I wasn’t zooming in, I could not recognize the heart shape. I think it’s kind of having heart failure, it just didn’t work.
While checking, I skimmed over its blog and learned Flickr is now 10 years old. Anyone is happy for that? Not me, even I still upload some photos, but I have not viewed other’s photos for long time ever since that justified view is in place.
I was registered on December, 2005, that’s 8 years ago, after Yahoo bought Flickr. I could recall I didn’t even want to sign up until someone asked me to do so.
The more I think about Flickr, the more I feel it’s more inconvenient to use and I don’t think people who will actually spend more time to view photos.
I remember there was a Flickr user who would not only take good photos but also write good short stories to accompany those photos. I used to read before that annoying view was there.
Now “New Photo Experience” renders writing virtually useless, with that small width, you can’t read anything comfortably. Link color is same as text color, it’s just a pretty bad reading experience. Let alone some missing feature and wasteful issue. Comments are easier to read, which probably the only few things come positive from me.
You can understand why Flickr wants to change things again and again, but every time they did something, I could only imagine they lose more than gaining. It’s more harm than good. And if you think about the new design and user behavior, we would just click, click, and click, then close the tab.
No one is going to stay on Flickr, at least not me.
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