RotUnicode (GitHub) is a converting library for conversions of a string from and to between ASCII and Unicode with readability somewhat still in character, so to speak.

Its name provides a good indication what it does, nevertheless an explanation:

RotUnicode stands for rotate-to-unicode. Or rotten-unicode for those who have nightmares about Unicode. It was inspired by Rot13.

For example, from README:

>>> import codecs
>>> from box.util.rotunicode import RotUnicode
>>> codecs.register(RotUnicode.search_function)
>>> print('Hello World!'.encode('rotunicode'))
Ĥȅľľő Ŵőŕľď!
>>> 'Ĥȅľľő Ŵőŕľď!'.decode('rotunicode')
Hello World!

You can still read it as a human, even it’s now using a completely different set of characters representing “Hello World!” As a human, you could recognize the words, it’s amazing how our brain works.

I don’t know what’s the real purpose of developing this library, what it would be used for practical tasks. I truly has no clue.

RotUnicode is written by Box Inc for Python 2 only, under the Apache License Version 2.0, currently version 1.0.2 (2014-04-04).