
This is a note currently nothing about about the programming, but the use of C project.

1   $HOME/.local installation with Autotools

Normally, project with GNU Autotools, you can build and install to specified location, for example

% ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local
% make
% make install

Which installs the files to $HOME/.local other than commonly default /usr/local. On most distributions, you shouldn’t have issues with /usr/local installation, not just the executables, but also the libraries, pkg-config, linking, they all should be configured system-wide.

However, it’s not the case for user home installation, you will need to take some steps to ensure things can be found.

1.1   pkg-config

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.local/lib
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/.local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig

LD_LIBRARY_PATH makes sure any shared libraries are linked during the compilation can be found when you execute the program.

PKG_CONFIG_PATH isn’t for additional paths, so you still need to provide the system pkg-config locations.

1.2   configure

When startup, continues sources prefix/share/, if found, prefix is either default or one you specify with --prefix. In my case, it is $HOME/.local/share/ and I have the following content:


They will make sure the header files can be found and linker knows there the shared libraries are stored.