Desktop Screenshot September/2010

Many things have been changed in my computer.

  • Wrote a script to download playcount (scrobbles) and cover arts from, showing them in Conky.
  • Switched (back) to Firefox 4.0b5pre, sorry Chromium! (Currently using beta6pre)
  • Added a masterpiece of ugly Gentoo logo sketch in Conky.
  • Styled Firefox's tabs bar.
  • Switched to CDM from XDM.
  • Switched to HC from SpeedCrunch.
  • Switched to Bashrun from BashPad.
  • Re-enabled xcompmgr. Love the transparency.
  • Updated gcin, nice new stainless-style icon.
Also tried Gnash and OpenCDE. Revived one of my GAE project, next -> word.

And in this blog, 53 posts just in August. Before August, only 31 posts in total. Something must be wrong with me in August! :-D I changed Related Posts gadget to Not So Related Posts and added Blogger's new Popular Posts gadget. (Why are so many interested in Bash + OAuth?)

The following chart is the statistics from Blogger dashboard:

(Someday, it's by day not by month and the Y-axis would be 0, 10000, 2000. Just a dream!)

There are more.